Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Character analysis of Hester Prynne Essay

The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne is a complex novel with in depth characterization. This analysis is about Hester Prynne, the main character and focuses on three of her attitudes, appearance, and morals. Hester’s physical appearance is developed and referred to often throughout the novel. Hawthorne paints a picture for the reader of Hester’s beauty. She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it through off the sunshine with a gleam and a face regularity of features and riches of complexion, and the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes. (Hawthorne, 50) The author also describes Hester as being of modest decorum. â€Å"With almost serene deportment, therefore, Hester Prynne passed through this portion of her ordeal, came to a sort of scaffold, at the western extremity of the marketplace. (Hawthorne, 52) As the story is told, the author often refers to Hester’s attitude as well as her appearance. Hester is portrayed as having a strong will and attitude in the Scarlet Letter. She kept her spirits high even when she thought she faced death. She managed to maintain her strength throughout her battles. With her native energy of character and rare capacity, it could not entirely cast her off, although it had set a mark upon her, more intolerable to a woman’s heart than that which branded the brow of Cain. In all her intercourse with society, however, there was nothing that made her feel as if she belonged to it. every gesture, every word, and even the silence of those with whom she came in contact, implied and often expressed, that she inhabited another sphere, or communicated with the common nature by other organs and senses than the rest of human kind. She stood apart from mortal interests, yet close beside them, like a ghost that revisits the familiar foresides, and can no longer make itself seen of felt. (Hawthorne, 77-78) Hester’s attitude is directly related to her morals. Miss Prynne’s morals are not as easy to determine as her attitude. When analyzing her situation, the reader might not be able to see that Hester has morals. The facts of her troubles lay a ground work for this belief. In reality, the novel does show that Hester Prynne has morals and values. In this matter of Hester Prynne, there was neither irritation nor irksomeness. She never battled with the public, but submitted, uncomplainingly, to its worst usage; she made no claim upon it, inequitable for what she suffered; she did not weigh up in its sympathies. Then, also, blameless purity of her life during all these years in which she had been set apart to infamy, was reckoned largely in her favor. With nothing now to lose, in the sight of mankind, and with no hope, and seemingly no wish of gaining anything, it could only bed genuine regard for virtue that had brought back the poor wanderer to its paths. (Hawthorne, 145) Nathanial Hawthorne shows sin this quote that although Hester is in an uncomfortable situation, she maintains the higher standards of the society. The author uses vivid descriptions to portray the characters in the novel. When describing Hester Prynne, Hawthorne establishes the type of person she is through her appearance, attitude and morals.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and Desiree’s Baby Essay

This passage’s relationship with the general theme or idea of the story is that it was able to show the main character’s dilemma of whether succumbing to his predetermined death or fighting for his life and his desire to be with his love ones. More so, the ticking of his watch symbolized the feeling of fear and alarm over the notion of an impending death. In this type situation or conflict, an individual would normally notice all the things that are happening around him. However, his senses were enhanced making the main character to see all the things in a micro-level which means that everything has been intensified such as the ticking of his watch that he thought was the sound of loud pounding of metal (Eserver. org). 2. â€Å"When he frowned she trembled, but loved him. When he smiled, she asked no greater blessing of God† The story of Desiree’s Baby story revolved around unconditional love as well as the limitations of love. In the passage, it demonstrated Desiree’s unconditional love for her husband despite his erratic temperament and his apparent concern over racial issues. However, this also suggests that the husband did not reciprocate the level of love and care that was being given to him. In connection with the general theme of the story, the passage emphasized the main character’s sentiments towards the overpowering characteristic of love or being in love. She is willing to give her all to the man she loves without expecting any in return which was the main idea of the story. More so, in the end, regret or remorse is the only redemption that one can do to compensate for a great love loss (Eastoftheweb. com). Works Cited Bierce, Ambrose. â€Å"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. † 2009. Eserver. org. 14 April 2009 Chopin, Kate. â€Å"Desiree’s Baby. † 2003. Eastoftheweb. com. 14 April 2009

Monday, July 29, 2019

General Overview of Gats

1. General overview of GATS The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the first and only set of multilateral rules covering international trade in services. The definition of services trade under the GATS is four-pronged, depending on the territorial presence of the supplier and the consumer at the time of the transaction. The GATS covers services supplied a. Cross border trade: from the territory of one Member into the territory of any other Member. . Consumption abroad: in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of any other Member. c. Commercial presence: by a service supplier of one Member, through commercial presence, in the territory of any other Member. d. Presence of natural persons: by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member. 2. Proposed benefits of GATS There are six benefits of GATS, they are 1.Economic performance, An efficient services infrastructure is a preconditio n for economic success, many governments rely on an open and transparent environment for the provision of services. 2. Development, World-class enterprises in developing countries have a greater advantage, and better do business. Developing countries also have able to build on foreign investment and expertise 3. Consumer savings, Globalization of trade in services allows consumers a wider choice of lower prices, better quality goods and services 4.Faster innovation, The exchanges between the countries, information can promote technology innovation faster. 5. Greater transparency and predictability, Legally binding guarantee, allows companies in the international trade and investment in a stable condition. 6. Technology transfer, encourage foreign direct investment (FDI) usually can bring new skills and techniques. 3. Major criticisms of GATSMany civic groups said that most of the current economic restructuring under the WTO-OMC system is in the interest of big business, and not in t he interest of the public. They are concerned that further deregulation of the service sector will lead to a widening of the gap between rich and poor, to further environmental deterioration, and human cost is low in poor areas. 4. My opinion on GATS Overall, GATS met with some difficulties in the actual operation, and has created the problem of some criticism for people, but the trade agreements made n indelible contribution to the development of international trade in the world. As long as the various countries, the company is in the future economic and trade constantly looking for better solutions to improve the existing mechanism, the world economy is definitely better services under the framework of GATS rapid development. http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/cbt_course_e/intro1_e. htm http://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/gats_factfiction3_e. htm http://www. twnside. org. sg

Nursing Sensitive Indicators and Health Care Evaluation Coursework - 1

Nursing Sensitive Indicators and Health Care Evaluation - Coursework Example Nursing-sensitive indicators do define the end results of the nursing interventions and indicate problem progress or resolution towards symptom or problem resolution. Nursing outcome can be defined as a status or measure of nursing diagnosis at a point in time after the nursing intervention, while the nursing-sensitive outcomes can be defined as health status changes upon which care of nursing has influenced directly. Variables that affect patient outcomes include socio economic factors, diagnosis, family support, gender and age. The other one is the care quality provided by support workers as well as other professionals. It is vital for health care facilities and nurses to collect data, which helps in monitoring the ongoing quality as well as cost of patient care (Corrigan, 2002). The use of sensitive outcome indicators is critical to demonstrate effectively that hospitals and nurses make crucial cost effective differences in the provision of safe and high quality patient care. Another thing is that the significance of articulating nursing-sensitive indicators is not easy to overstate. Such articulation as well as correlation of nursing activities with outcomes of health does provide do provide strong support to the appropriate allocation of resources of health care. For instance, studies that compare patient outcomes and staff levels do show that in a case where there are many nurses who are registered, patients do experience shorter stay lengths, fewer implications, overall lower costs as well as decreased mortality rates (Corrigan, 2002). In similar, a consisted and strong relationship has been established between staffing of nurses as well as five outcomes of patients in medical patients: pneumonia, urinary tract infection, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, shock, and length of stay. This does mean that higher nursing staffing levels are associated with lesser adverse effects.All in all, nursing-sensitive indicators are projected to draw the correlations between resulting health status and nursing interventions that patients have received. They are meant to be an attempt for measuring the effectiveness of care of nursing through measuring patient outcomes. It becomes easier to see linkages after diagnosis, intervention as well as outcomes are identified. Since nurses happen to be an essential part of the system of health care delivery, nursing sensitive indicators do capture what nurses do, the outcomes that they achieve as well as the costs involved.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Leadership Communication..Q5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership Communication..Q5 - Essay Example We saw this especially with the BP oil sill in the Gulf of Mexico. Describe at least three pros and three cons of rationalizing. Propose a method to deal with the cons of rationalizing. 1. In organizations, rationalizing at the intra-organizational levels may help in understanding the dynamics and changes in leadership development through a continuous learning process. This sort of rationalization can be related to Gestalt psychology (Day and Zacarro, 2004) and can be used by higher management to study the new leaders among the managers. 2. In some situations, ethical practices may undermine an organization’s public image since such practices may leak information on internal problems. Rationalizing may be used to keep the appearance of the organization upbeat vis-à  -vis public relations practitioners and media. 2. The leader may indulge in tricky reasoning with the help of rationalization. This increases the risk of exploitation and exhaustion of the confused subordinates, which will eventually lead to decreased productivity. 3. Psychoanalytical aspects of rationalizing activities in business may give rise to contradiction between beliefs, thought processes, and attitudes within the management. This will create an â€Å"uncomfortable state of tension† (Smith and Mackie, 2007, p. 277-8). Since rationalizing involves a tactical use of lies, it cannot be ethically justified and hence it is quite a problematic behavior in the course of leadership development. Smith and Sharma (2002, p. 197) have stated that â€Å"organizations currently operate with a faà §ade of rationality, ignoring emotional reality.† Ethical practices and emotional intelligence must be encouraged to counter tendencies to avoid truth and create excessive workload from the perspective of the leader. In order to bring about responsible behavior on the part of the leaders (e.g. departmental bosses), the organization itself must behave in a socially responsible way. Day, D.V.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Quantitative tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quantitative tools - Essay Example The main problems in relation to the staff and reservations managers in particular, that the company does not have good relations with its unions, which is very important, as unions serve a kind of legal protection of managers' rights. Another problem is that employees complain about the lack of voice and the lack of professional training, which is also essential for the improvement of their job characteristics and supporting their skills at the appropriate level. (Bassett, 1992) The specifics of reservations managers' work is in the surrounding they work, which is usually represented by a large room with a great number of workers doing the same work, and thus demanding huge attention. 2 managers out of each 10 work part time, weekends, nights, or holidays. That's why, to improve the operation of this staff, it is necessary to develop a strict schedule of work, with optimization of the workers' quantity together with increasing the quality of their work. To optimize the quantity of workers, it is obvious, that some of them should be fired. To avoid psychological and legal problems with the staff shortage, I suggest using of the out placing strategy, when the Going Inc. will find new jobs for those, who are fired, with the salaries and preferences known beforehand for each worker to be fired.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Innovation Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Innovation Systems - Essay Example This phenomenal demand and growth of renewable forms of energy has resulted because of the need for finite fuel prices and petroleum reserves. As such, the revolution for renewable energy increases as wind energy is no longer considered an alternative source of energy, but as sustainable, profitable and cost-effective (Spera, 2009). The French dynamic industry has become host for more than 140 companies involved in the construction, foundry, electronics, electric-engineering, and industrial services necessary for the production, commissioning and operation of wind turbine facilities. Onshore and offshore wind resources The French offshore wind power development programme which was commissioned under the "Grenelle de l'environnement" initiative in May 2007 led to the adoption of two important laws in August 3 2009 and July 12 2010 categorized under "Grenelle I" and "Grenelle II" laws. These laws were fundamental for the implementation of the environmental engagements adopted in the in itiative. Consequently, it was expected that the Directive 2009/28/EC stipulated the national plan aims for renewable energy development to reach 6,000 MW by 2020 from offshore wind farms generations and other marine energies. To the French consumers, this represents approximately 1,200 wind turbines generating 3.5% of the total grid consumed (Sathyajith, 2006). In order to meet the target, the offshore offshore wind power development programme anticipates a 20 billion investment by 2020, to be covered by a 4% increase of the "contribution au service public de l'electricite" (CSPE) between 2015 and 2020. This CSPE will be an additional charge on the electricity bill that end-customers pay. To the industry, however, the tendering of the offshore projects benefits will be taken into consideration including jobs to be created within the projects sites. As a result, some of the companies that have positioned themselves within the offshore wind power market include Compagnie du Vent, EDF Energies Nouvelles, Nexans and EADS Astrium. Other relatively minor companies in the industry have participated through acquisitions, partnerships and mergers to be eligible for the joint offers required in the 2011 round of tendering. The policies also stipulated the duration over which the offshore farms will occupy the maritime public domain. Once established under a concession, the offshore wind farms will be expected operate within 30 years and provide a financial guarantee for the full duration of the project. Throughout the concession period, the guarantee will enable reversibility of any change to the natural environment through restoration of the site and decommissioning of the facilities of the site at the end of the concession term. The estimated restoration and decommissioning costs will determine the computation of the guarantee amount (Macaulay, 1999). In comparison on the basis of production costs of wind power production, offshore wind farms will cost 3.5million eur os per megawatt against 1.5 million euros per megawatt for onshore. The costs are escalated due to the offshore facility installation; masts designed to withstand corrosion, force of currents and waves; as well as the resultant maintenance costs. However, except for the costs, off the coast winds cannot compare to the onshore with the technical characteristics.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compare and contrast governmental structure of the Republic of Rome Term Paper

Compare and contrast governmental structure of the Republic of Rome and Ancient Greece - Term Paper Example Ancient Egypt’s leadership is based on the divine rule of the Pharaoh while the Republic of Rome believes to a certain extent in democracy where people are recognized to have a say in the government. II. The new kingdom of ancient Egypt c. 1570 - 1090 The new kingdom of ancient Egypt began when the pharaohs of the eighteenth Dynasty reunited Egypt after the second intermediate period (Edgar et al Chapter 1). In governance, the leadership of ancient Egypt does not recognize democracy (old, middle and new kingdom). People are treated as a subject of a Pharaoh who was believed to be a living god. The pharaoh’s power is not subject to check and balance like those of Rome’s Republic. The pharaoh is the sole authority and needs not confer with a Senate, magistrates or assemblies in its rule. It does not have a tribune because it does not recognize any representation in the form of check and balance. Ancient Egypt adopts the theocratic form of government. Unlike Rome, r eligion plays a central role in Egypt that became a basis of its government and structure (Bauval 35). Due to its theocratic nature, the priests (aside from the pharaoh) were the most esteemed class in ancient Egypt. They also hold vast power because they carry out the decrees of the pharaoh. The government structure of the new kingdom of ancient Egypt was also simple because of the theocratic form of government where all powers in the government emanate from a single person which was the pharaoh. There was also no constitution in ancient Egypt. Perhaps the only thing ancient Egypt shared with the Republic of Rome was that its laws were not written. But unlike in Rome where laws can be proposed and ratified, the laws in Egypt were absolutely based on Ma’at which meant truth and justice, which was to be fair all except the slaves. The officials of ancient Egypt were few unlike in Rome where it has a Senate that is composed of few hundred men, and relatively large number of rep resentatives in its assemblies and magistrates. The officers in ancient Egypt’s government structure are as follows; a. The pharaoh – the ancient Egyptian state was embodied by its king, which was called the pharaoh, a term which literally meant a â€Å"big house† referring to the royal palace but was later referred to the king himself. The king is believed to have supernatural powers and was worshipped and obeyed as a god. The king or the pharaoh is very powerful. In the old kingdom of ancient Egypt, he literally owns the entire land of Egypt and is entitled to all its produce (Thompson 26). Ma’at One of the pharaoh’s primary functions was to mediate between the gods and man, especially in dispensing Ma’at which is the code of behavior and standard of morality of how to do things in ancient Egypt. Ma’at meant â€Å"truth, order, proper behavior and justice (Thompson 26). To sin against Ma' at is to bring chaos into life (Verharen 93 ) b. The viziers – is also known as the tjaty. The vizier is considered as the pharaoh’s right hand. He is also a judge of ancient Egypt’s high court which is the equivalent of Supreme Court today. And just like the Supreme Court, his judgment is final and non appealable. The vizier was also in-charge of the economy and oversees the construction of magnificent temples and buildings (Bob Hobbs 66). c. Nomarch –

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Geology of the Great Basin area Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geology of the Great Basin area - Essay Example The floor of the valleys of great basin is four or five thousand feet above sea level (Fiero, 9). Surface water is removed from the basin not by drainage but by evaporation alone (Fiero, 9). There are many streams flowing through the basin like tributaries of the Deschutes, John Day, Owyhee, and snake river (Fiero, 8). The tributaries of Colorado have created deep canyons in the southern part of the great basin. But the most important feature of Great Basin is â€Å"interior drainage of rivers and streams into remnant pleistocene lakes or playas† (Sturtevant and D’Azevedo, 6). The geological character of the great basin comes under the category, ‘Basin and Range’, which is a geological region with â€Å"uplifted and tilted ranges separated by broad elongated basins† (Fiero, 9). Great basin, is geologically, a part of the Basin and range that spreads over Nevada, Utah, Oregone, Idaho, Wyoming and also New Mexico and Arizona (Sturtevant and D’Az evedo, 6). There are geological evidences showing the existence of â€Å"deep lakes and rushing rivers† in pre-historical period, in the Great Basin (Sturtevant and D’Azevedo, 33). In the northern part, the basin has volcanic lava covers amounting to thousands of feet depth (Fiero, 9). Around 2000 and 1000 B.C., the Mount Mazama had erupted and this was the source of lava and volcanic ash spread over the north of Great Basin (Sturtevant and D’Azevedo, 35).

Work placement Module Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Work placement Module - Essay Example He then recommended me to this firmCheng Chan & Co to me., and fortunately At the material time, Cheng Chan & Co wasthe firm happened to be looking for a full time / part time clerk as because one of their employees just quit the jobhad recently left the firm. I posted sent them my CV to them and they were askingrequested for an interview. I had the interviewed with one of the firm's solicitors in the mid-dle of June., there was a solicitor who interviewed me. He asked me few some questions on pertaining to tort and criminal Law, such as which case to use or which statute to applies to a scenarioy. and they also require a presentation of me for 5 minutesI was also required to deliver a five minute presentation. Four days later, I received their phone call that I got the jobthey informed me of their decision to hire me. I was then appointed into this firm asworked as a clerk responsible for assistingant to solicitors, preparing legal documents, performing legal research, and for deali nghandling with clients. The fFirm is run managed by four solicitors and there are eight employees including clerks, an accountant and legal executives. The structure of the fFirm is very simple in that, each employee takesing orders directly from solicitors. Once a client placeds an order after consulting the solicitor, (e.g. a claim in a car accident), the solicitor will would then divide the work among the different personnel, such as including research, registration of the case with the court, communication with the other parties for the materials, and arrangement of conferences with clients or counsel. When we have completed ourUpon completion of an assigned task, we hand submitted itthe work back to the solicitor for approval and he will would return it to us if any corrections are were necessary. Then we will would finalize it and return it to him for further approval and signature. The work usually involveds documents, statements or letters. The documents or the statements w ill would usually be referred tofiled with the court or submitted to the other parties. LThe letters will

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Western Civilization. The Rise Of Sovereignty And The Creation Of Essay

Western Civilization. The Rise Of Sovereignty And The Creation Of Nation States - Essay Example Western civilization has been described in the western culture that is found in the scientific, political, artistic and the philosophical principles that were adopted by people at that time. This term has been linked to immigration and settlement in Western Europe. This period has been marked by the changing way of life of the people. It was marked by changes in different spheres of life of the people. In particular there was marked rise of industrial systems, education, urbanization and other aspect of life of the western world. Among the things that marked the rise of western civilization was the rise in sovereignty of the nations. In this regard there was increased fall of empires and the rise of nations. The Western Roman Empire which ruled the modern states of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and England for centuries had collapsed as a result of combination of a number of factors. One of such factors was economic decline which had an impact on the decline of the military spending leading to reduced military strength. The empires were based on the military strength and therefore the fall of military might led to invasion by other tribes. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in its military strength led to the invasion by the barbarian tribes which were coming from Scandinavia and other states like Germany. They invaded the Western Roman Empire and led to its eventual fall. This had an effect on other factors like racial, religious, and the political life of these empires. Increased warfare with the invading tribes and economic crisis could have contributed in a great way to the fall. (Hobsbawm, 1992) Therefore with the fall of the empires there was increased rise of the modern sovereign states. The fall of the empire led to the defragmentation to individual states which were sovereign with internal government. The fall of the Western Roman Empire led to the formation of the modern day states of France, Spain, Portugal, England and Italy. Owing to the factors that led to the fall of the empire such as racial, religious and political division, the emerging states were grouped in some aspects of community. It has been shown that racial and ethnic factors were the main leading factors that led to the fall of the empire and the consequential formation of sovereign states which were based on common aspects of these communities. Those who spoke the same language grouped themselves together and formed one sovereign state. For example those who spoke Spanish grouped themselves together to form Spain, while those who spoke French formed the modern day France. This marked the beginning of the rise of sovereign states which were internally governed. In the high middle Ages, feudalism rose to be a dominant social, economic and political system in the western countries. The monarch and the nobles were at the top of the society while the rest of the society was left as peasants and serfs. The serfs were given protection by the monarchs from the invasions of the outsiders. The church also grew strong and had a say in the administration of the states which were growing to be sovereign. The Catholic Church became especially strong at this time and in the medieval period, there was suppression of other religions and the church also had a lot of influences on the political life of the states. In the late middle ages, there was the rise of the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Enable Windows Active Directory and User Access Controls Essay Example for Free

Enable Windows Active Directory and User Access Controls Essay This lab provides students with the hands-on skills needed to create a new Active Directory domain in Windows Server 2003 and demonstrates how to configure a centralized authentication and policy definition for access controls. The Active Directory users and workstation plug-ins will be used to create users, groups, and configure role-based access permissions and controls on objects and folders in a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory system. Lab Assessment Questions Answers 1. What two access controls can be set up for Windows Server 2003 folders and authentication? The two access controls that can be set up for Windows Server 2003 folders and authentication User or Group access to the folder and the ability to modify contents of the folder. 2. you can browse a file on a Windows network share, but are not able to copy it or modify it, what type of If access controls and permissions are probably configured? The type of access controls and permissions that are probably configured are Modify , Read or Full control. 3. What is the Windows tool that allows you to administer granular policies and permissions on a Windows  ­ network using role-based access? The Windows tool that allows you to administer granular policies and permissions on a Windows network using role-based access is the Group Policy Object Editor 38351_LB03_Pass2. indd 50 26/02/13 11:54 PM Assessment Worksheet 51 4. Relate how Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory and the configuration of access controls achieve CIA for departmental LANs, departmental folders, and data. Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory and the configuration of access controls achieve CIA for departmental LANs and departmental folders and data by using user authentication (logon/password) to access the network. It also give users or groups permissions or deny them access to files or folders. 5. Would it be a good practice to include the account or user name in the password? Why or why not? No because then hackers will have an easier time hacking the password 6. Can a user who is defined in the Active Directory access a shared drive if that user is not part of the domain? No a user cannot access a shared drive if that user is not part of that domain. Windows Server 2003 require a users logon/password credentials prior to accessing shared drives 38351_LB03_Pass2. indd 51

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Working Women and Stress

Working Women and Stress Gender-specific work stress factors, such as sex discrimination and balancing work and family demands, may have an effect on women workers above and beyond the impact of general job stressors such as job overload and skill under-utilization. Discriminatory barriers to financial and career advancement have been linked to more frequent physical and psychological symptoms and more frequent visits to the doctor. The most effective way of reducing work stress is through organizational change in the workplace. This holds true for reducing work stress in female and male workers alike. Workplaces that actively discourage sexual discrimination and harassment, and promote family-friendly policies, appear to foster worker loyalty and attachment regardless of gender, studies indicate. Organizational changes effective for reducing job stress among women workers include expanding promotion and career ladders, introducing family-support programs and policies, and enforcing policies against sex discrimination and sexual harassment. 2.28 The article Women in Construction: Occupational Health and Working Conditions, finds that: Women may receive less on-the-job safety mentoring than men from supervisors and co-workers. This can create a potentially dangerous cycle in which tradeswomen are asked to do jobs for which they are not properly trained, then are injured when they do them or are seen as incompetent when they are unable to do them. Women in construction have reported harassment and verbal abuse by co-workers and isolation on the job severe enough that some women have looked for other employment. Patterns of work-related construction fatalities differ for men and women. For example, women construction laborers are at higher risk than male laborers of death from motor vehicle injuries, but less likely to be at risk of death from falls, machinery related injuries, or being struck by objects. Further research is needed to determine why these differences exist.( (14) 2.29 In one study relating to MSDs, NIOSH worked with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to examine interventions for reducing discomfort among IRS data entry workers, the majority of whom are female. NIOSH found that periodic rest breaks throughout the work shift reduced musculoskeletal discomfort, while allowing workers to maintain job performance. (15) 2.30 According to NIOSH ,Stress at work is another issue of concern., stress at work is a growing problem for all workers, including women. In one survey, 60 percent of employed women cited stress as their number one problem at work. Furthermore, levels of stress-related illness are nearly twice as high for women as for men. Many job conditions contribute to stress among women, according to NIOSH. Such job conditions include heavy workload demands; little control over work; role ambiguity and conflict; job insecurity; poor relationships with coworkers and supervisors; and work that is narrow, repetitive, and monotonous. (16) -2.31 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine(2005) show Health care expenditures are nearly 50% greater for workers who report high levels of stress. 2.32 Encyclopaedia of Occupational Safety and Health (2001) with title Job Stress and Health: What the Research Tells Us; 2.32.1Cardiovascular Disease Many studies suggest that psychologically demanding jobs that allow employees little control over the work process increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. 2.32.2Musculoskeletal Disorders On the basis of research by NIOSH and many other organizations, it is widely believed that job stress increases the risk for development of back and upper- extremity musculoskeletal disorders. 2.32.3Psychological Disorders Several studies suggest that differences in rates of mental health problems (such as depression and burnout) for various occupations are due partly to differences in job stress levels. (Economic and lifestyle differences between occupations may also contribute to some of these problems.) 2.32.4Workplace Injury Although more study is needed, there is a growing concern that stressful working conditions interfere with safe work practices and set the stage for injuries at work. 2.32.5Suicide, Cancer, Ulcers, and Impaired Immune Function Some studies suggest a relationship between stressful working conditions and these health problems. However, more research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn- 2.33 NIOSH(2001) research has identified organizational characteristics with title Stress, Health, and Productivity Some employers assume that stressful working conditions are a necessary evil-that companies must turn up the pressure on workers and set aside health concerns to remain productive and profitable in todays economy. But research findings challenge this belief. Studies show that stressful working conditions are actually associated with increased absenteeism, tardiness, and intentions by workers to quit their jobs-all of which have a negative effect on the bottom line. Recent studies of so-called healthy organizations suggest that policies benefiting worker health also benefit the bottom line. A healthy organization is defined as one that has low rates of illness, injury, and disability in its workforce and is also competitive in the marketplace. NIOSH research has identified organizational characteristics associated with both healthy, low-stress work and high levels of productivity. Examples of these characteristics include the following: Recognition of employees for good work performance Opportunities for career development An organizational culture that values the individual worker Management actions that are consistent with organizational values(19) 2.34 St. Paul Fire and Marin(2007) Insurance Company conducted several studies on the effects of stress prevention programs in hospital settings.(Journal of Applied Psychology) one with title Stress Prevention and Job Performance Program activities included (1) employee and management education on job stress, (2) changes in hospital policies and procedures to reduce organizational sources of stress, and (3) establishment of employee assistance programs. 2.34.1 In one study, the frequency of medication errors declined by 50% after prevention activities were implemented in a 700-bed hospital. In a second study, there was a 70% reduction in malpractice claims in 22 hospitals that implemented stress prevention activities. In contrast, there was no reduction in claims in a matched group of 22 hospitals that did not implement stress prevention activities. 2.35 According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics(2004), workers who must take time off work because of stress, anxiety, or a related disorder will be off the job for about 20 days. 2.36 Northwestern National Life Insurance(1992), Minneapolis, 1992, as reported in Work in America, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1992.] Employee burnout: Causes and cures, Part 1: Employee stress levels, GENDER WORK AND STRESS In a survey carried out in 1992 of nearly 1,300 full-time employees in a random sample of private companies in the United States, it was found that gender, among other factors (the level of the employee in the organization, income, occupation and family situation), accounted for differences in job stress at the workplace. The survey found that stress affects women more than men, and that they are significantly more likely to report burnout, stress-related illnesses or a desire to resign from their jobs. The researchers suggested several reasons for this. In the first place, women are often paid less than men for their work, even if they have college degrees. Many organizations also lack policies which respond to family issues. Single women with children, along with low-paid college graduates, are at highest risk of burnout. Some 50 per cent of single women with children reported burnout, compared to 31 per cent of married women with children. [ 2.37 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2001)reported these figures in Research on work-related stress, The following are recent estimates which related to the cost of work-related stress: In the United Kingdom, it has been suggested that over 40 million working days are lost each year due to stress-related disorders; In Australia, the Federal Assistant Minister for Industrial relations estimated the cost of occupational stress to be around A$30 million in 1994; In the United States, over half of the 550 million working days lost each year due to absenteeism are stress-related. 2.38 Several recent studies by ILO(2004) have highlighted the links between work-related stress, violence at work, the abuse of drugs and alcohol and tobacco consumption. These studies tend to suggest that stress at work plays an important role in the development of negative individual and organizational factors and forms a common element linking working conditions, substance abuse and violent acts. There appears to be a significant correlation between difficulties in relaxing after work and negative emotions such as fear, helplessness and failure. Stressful work may contribute to the development of a desire among workers to reduce tension by drinking, using drugs and other harmful substances. Alienating work has negative consequences for the development of a healthy human personality and can result in a range of problematic behaviours at the individual level, which may include the destructive use of alcohol and other substances, as well as depression and a deterioration in normal affective life. Stressful conditions may also constitute an antecedent to an episode of workplace violence. (ILO) (http// $2.39 University of utara(2004), Malaysia, school of accounting, Report on job stress among professional accountants working in selected public firms, a Malaysia case, replicates and extends earlier studies on job stress in public accounting conducted in UK and Britain. It is done through an extensive review of literature on job stress and field study using the same questionnaire utilized in the earlier two studies with a little modification to suit Malaysian context. The study seeks answers to what may be the sources of stress. Psychological outcomes and moderators of the stressful situation in selected public accounting firms and whether there exist significant linear relationship between job stressors and mental strains. Further more, it attempts to find out whether different from sizes, functional areas and position levels differ significantly in the stressors confronted and strains experienced by public accountants. The finding indicates that stressors faced by most respondents are quantitative workload, variations in workload, responsibilities for persons and travel, very few reports confronting role conflict and role ambiguity. As for the mental strains, respondent do not show that they are experiencing any except for job and workload dissatisfactions and pay inequity. It is also found that more than 10 percent of the respondents feel that they have job autonomy and that they do not possess the type A personality traits. (24) 2.40 A research report in Saudi Medical Journal , (2003) titled Job satisfaction and organizational commitment for nurses found that nurses in public hospitals are slightly satisfied and committed to their hospitals. Besides, satisfied nurses tend to have a higher degree of commitment than less satisfied ones. 2.41 A report in journal of health(2003) with title stress and suicide in nurses revealed that the relation between stress and suicide remained U shaped.when the job stress and home stress are combined,five fold increase in risk of suicide among women occurs.risk of suicide among high stress women is more compare to low stress experience by women. 2.42 School of Health Science (2002), Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Sweden entitled The stress experience of nursing staff in intensive care therapy, concludes that stress contains amongst other the element of moral there is shortage of nurses in the health care and organisational structure too impede nursing performance to avoid the negative consequences of stress for nurses moral support is required. In ICU stress and complex situation are common for all nurses, the stress implication are sometime ethical issues, morbidity and burn out, the report revealed. 2.43 Queensland University of Technology(2002), thesis with the title THE INFLUENCE OF WORK STRESS AND WORK SUPPORT ON BURNOUT IN PUBLIC HOSPITAL NURSES states that Australian nurses reported low to moderate levels of work stress, moderate levels of work support and moderately high levels of burnout. Work stressors, were the main predictors of Emotional Exhaustion, Conflic. Changes in the objective conditions at work have had major implications for nurses subjective experiences of work, with increasing numbers of nurses feeling stressed and as a consequence, are opting to work part-time or leave the profession . 2.44 HSJ HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL (2005), REPORT CARRYING THE TITLE FACTORS INFLUENCING STRESS AND JOB SATISFACTION OF NURSES WORKING IN PSYCHIATRIC UNITS A strong negative relationship was found between clinical leadership, inter-professional collaboration, and stress and job satisfaction. Although a positive relationship between clinical leadership and nurses job satisfaction was found, the association between clinical leadership and quality of inter-professional collaboration is unclear. The association between these variables and job satisfaction is positive but tenuous. In addition, a positive but weak relationship was revealed between the clinical leadership and the quality of relationships amongst nurses. Organisational issues, lack of nursing staff and patient care were found to be related to ward type mental health nurses stress emerged as mediating variables between stress and job satisfaction. A hypothetical model of the relationships between these variables is presented for testing at a future study. 2.45 A research study by Deptt of medicine (2006). University of Ottawa, enitiled, prevalence of burnout, job stress and job satisfaction The findings are that medical personnel are experiencing burnout and high levels of stress and that large numbers are considering leaving or decreasing their work hours. This is an important finding for the cancer care system, where highly trained and experienced health care workers are already in short supply. 2.46 A research paper, School of Health Care Practice 2006, Anglia Polytechnic University, Chelmsford, Essex(2009), UK, entitled Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review,finds . Workload, management style, professional conflict and emotional cost of caring and leadership style, lack of reward and shift working are the main sources of stress for nurses for many years. Stress management programe should concentrate on stress prevention as well as how organization should takle this vital issue. 2.47 The Graduate College University of Wisconsin-Stout(2005), a Research Paper with title OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELORS,concludes that The Weiman Occupational Stress Scale, introduced in 1978, is designed to measure perceived levels of occupational stress. The mental health counselors involved in completing the survey instruments scored an average of 2.57 on a five point scale, with past administrations of the Weiman Occupational Stress Scale having yielded a baseline score of 2.25. The mental health counselors in this study scored on average 13% higher than the calculated WOSS baseline. employees in publicly funded institutions (Winnebago Mental Health) experience greater perceived work stress than those counselors in privately funded clinics. 2.48 Research survey conducted by Carol Brewer(2000) has shown that new nurses face considerable professional stress and would benefit from improved nursing management Newly licensed nurses considered their jobs difficult, and they worked long hours: 51 percent worked voluntary overtime, 13 percent mandatory overtime. Sixty-one percent were assigned to nights, evenings or rotating shifts. Nearly two-thirds 62.78 percent said their work interfered with family life on at least four days a month, according to the results. Survey participants also reported a somewhat hazardous working environment: a quarter of respondents sustained at least one needle-stick in a year; 39 percent at least one strain or sprain; 21 percent a cut or laceration, 46 percent a bruise or contusion, and 62 percent reported experiencing verbal abuse on the job. A quarter found it difficult or impossible to do their jobs at least once a week due to inadequate supplies, the study showed. 2.49 An Exploration study of Job Stressors of Clinical Nursing Instructors in Taiwan(2001) found that clinical nursing instructors work-related stressors include inadequate role occupancy, increasing work demands, deficient role preparedness, lowered role control, insufficient role support, and role bargain. When a clinical instructor with lowered role control experiences more stressors, the situation of role stress will deteriorate. Role support and role bargain are the buffers of work-related stress to adapt clinical instructors for the rapidly changing educational and medical environment. Consequently, adequate role credibility for role occupancy is a necessary strategy for reducing clinical instructors work-related strain during organizational rapid change. 2.50 European Journal(2005) of Social Sciences ,article entitled Link between Job Stress and Job Satisfaction,Show that there is a significant negative relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. According to Stamps Piedmonte (1986) job satisfaction has been found significant relationship with job stress. One study of general practitioners in England identified four job stressors that were predictive of job dissatisfaction (Cooper, et al., 1989). In other study, Vinokur-Kaplan (1991) stated that organization factors such as workload and working condition were negatively related with job satisfaction. Fletcher Payne (1980) identified that a lack of satisfaction can be a source of stress, while high satisfaction can alleviate the effects of stress. This study reveals that, both of job stress and job satisfaction were found to be interrelated. The study of Landsbergis (1988) and Terry et al. (1993) showed that high levels of work stress are associated with low levels of job satisfaction. Moreover, Cummins (1990) have emphasized that job stressors are predictive of job dissatisfaction and greater propensity to leave the organization. Sheena et al. (2005) studied in UK found that there are some occupations that are reporting worse than average scores on each of the factors such as physical health, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction. The relationship between variables can be very important to academician. If a definite link exists between two variables, it could be possible for a academician to provide intervention in order to increase the level of one of the variables in hope that the intervention will also improve the other variable as well (Koslowsky, et al., 1995). 2.51 A Study of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among University Staff in Malaysia a research article(2007) investigates the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Inverse relationship exist between job stress and job satisfaction The determinants of job stress that have been examined under this study include, management role, relationship with others, workload pressure, homework interface, role ambiguity, and role conflict. 2.5 Faculty of Education(2001),University of Ibadan, article, Effects of Job Stress ,states that stress has negative effect on health, physical and mental,work behaviour,and performance,satisfavtion level. 2.53 Heavy workloads, difficult students and lack of resources are stressing out Australian teachers(1999). Many also experience stress from increasing violence and bullying. In one recent year, 274 teachers in Victoria were either assaulted or threatened by students and another 70 were attacked by colleagues. Over the past five years , 910 teachers in Victoria and 1150 teachers in New South Wales have filed worker compensation claims for anxiety,depression,nervous breakdown and other stress related symptom. Union leaders say these figures are just the tip of the iceberg: Teacher are very reluctant to proceed with those claims because it just adds another problem and additional stress, explains Australian education union president John Gregory Teaching in Australia may be stressful, but the profession seems to be under siege in the Uk , Janice Howell a primary school teacher in Newport (South Wales)is one of the casualties. She initially had the assistance of an English language teacher but that teacher took long-term leave with no replacement. Unable to cope with 28 kids, 11 of them with learning or behavioral difficulties, Howell had a nervous breakdown. After recovering several months later, Howell complained to the school about the intolerable stress. Rather than providing support, the school added two more troubled kids to Howells class. One student, new to Wales, ran away one morning and was seen playing near dangerous mudflats. Although he was taken home safely, no one told Howell until the end of the day. This led to Howells second breakdown, ending her career. From being a confident, well adjusted teacher who enjoyed her job I became depressed and dysfunctional, says Howell for the first time in my life I did not want to go to work. It got to the stage that I was physically unable to enter the classroom.(DD) 2.54 Nebuo Miuro (1999) quoted in the book about stress that employees are under a lot of pressure from his employer to get a new restaurant ready for its launch. The interiors fitter from Tokyo worked late, sometimes until 4.30 in the morning. After one such marathon, Miuro caught a few hour sleep, then return for another long day. But he didnt get very far. The 47 year old suddenly took ill and keeled over while picking up his hammer and nails. He died a week later. The corners verdict was that Miuro died of Karoshi_death by overwork. Karoshi accounts for nearly 10000 deaths each year in Japan. Research indicates that long work hours cause an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, poor eating habits, lack of physical exercise and sleeplessness. This result in weight gain, which, along with stressful working conditions, damages the cardiovascular system and leads to strokes and heart attacks. Karoshi came to the public spotlight in the 1970s when Japans economy was booming, but the countrys current recession is making matters worse.companies are laying off employees and loading the extra work onto those who remain. Performance based expectations are replacing life qtime employment guarantees, putting further pressure on employees to work long hours. Many also blame Japans samurai spirit culture which idolizes long work hours as the ultimate symbol of company loyalty and personal fortitude. Being exhausted is considered a virtue explains a Japanese psychiatrist. So far, only 17 percent of Japanese companies offer over stressed employees some form of counseling. However the Japanese Government has launched an advertising campaign encouraging people to call a Karoshi hotline for anonymous help. The families of deceased workaholics , including Nobuo Mauros relatives are also taking action by suing the employers for lack of due care.(dd) 2.55 A report (2001) entitled Job Stress and Burnout Among Canadian Managers and Nurses: examined the relationship of job stress with burnout and its three dimensions (emotional exhaustion, lack of accomplishment and depersonalization), job satisfaction, organizational commitment and psychosomatic, health problems. Job stress was significantly correlated with overall burnout and its three dimensions and job satisfaction in both samples. In the nursing sample, job stress was also significantly correlated with psychosomatic health problems and organizational commitment. Moderated multiple regressions only marginally supported the role of gender as a moderator of stress-burnout relationship. 2.56An articl (2001) on Occupational stress experienced by male and female employees indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the stress levels of employees based on their gender. With females experiences more stress then male. And physical conditions are considered as a most stressful factor for females. Male experiences less stress with physical conditions. Women were found to experience more stress then male. They are more affected by physical conditions such as noise, lightning etc Top of Form 2.57 Journal of Managerial Psychology(2006), report on Occupational stress in different organizations , a Saudi Arabian survey(2006) The main source of stress for employees working in private organizations is the lack of knowledge about their performance evaluation results, while this is not the case for employees working in public organizations; Saudi employees have the highest levels of stress, with Arabs second, Asians third, while Westerners (Europeans and North Americans) registered the lowest levels of stress; employees who are less than 30 years old experience the highest levels of stress; employees with six-to-ten years of experience show the highest levels of stress; and there is a significant inverse relationship between educational level and stress level. Top of Form Bottom of Form 2.58 An article on Occupational stress and depression in Korean employees (2001). Inadequate social support and discomfort in occupational climate is a better predictorof depressive symptoms than organizational injustice in Korea, indicates that the newlydeveloped KOSS has cultural relevance for assessing occupational stress in Korea. 2.59 Department of Psychology Applied Psychology research study(2008) University of the Punjab, OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AND JOB PERFORMANCE, indicated Workload, co-workers and repetitive work are identified as the major factors causing stress. It is concluded that there is moderate level of stress with significant difference in different departments however affect of stress is found on job performance in the selected organization. 2.60 About Occupational Stress and Employee Control (1992) Industrial psychologists discovered that how much latitude employees have at work their control over job-related decisions affects their health, their morale and their ability to handle their workload. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham (1976) reportedthat control (in terms of job-provided autonomy) enhanced motivation and growth in blue collar, white collar and professional positions. Then, in 1979, Robert Karasek(1979) found that workers whose jobs rated high in job demands yet low in employee control (as measured by latitude over decisions) reported significantly more exhaustion after work, trouble awakening in the morning, depression, nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia or disturbed sleep than other workers. When workers facing high demands had more control, their stress was lower. This major insight into how occupational stressors affect health and well-being has led to ongoing improvements in the workplace. For example, many organizations have implemented programs designed to enhance employee control. 2.61 Colegio Oficial de Psic.logos (2007) s article OCCUPATIONAL STRESS AND STATE OF HEALTH AMONG CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS AND PSYCHIATRISTS revealed that the stress among mental health professionals (staff and trainees). Results showed that psychiatrists experienced less stress than their colleagues, and suggest specific associations between situational stressors and state of health. In particular, frustration in carrying out their work is linked to high levels of self-reported symptoms in psychologists. 2.62 A reprt presented by European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Union (2007) states that work-related stress affects at least 40 million workers in its 15 Member States and that it costs the European Union approx. 20 billion annually. It is now widely acknowledged that stress at work is a very common problem and that it has a very high cost in terms of workers health, absenteeism and lower performance. 26% of workers who reported an injury or illness felt that they suffered from stress while at work in the last 12 months, and that this percentage rises 2.63 A Report titledEffects of Job Stress on Health, Personal and Work Behaviour of Nurses in Public Hospitals (2006), Department of Social Work, Faculty of Education,University of Ibadan, Nigeria,established that job stress has significant effect on physical and mental health of the nurses. It also established that there was a significant difference in personal and work behaviour of highly stressed nurses and less stressed nurses. Based on these findings,it was recommended that the government (Federal or State) and Hospital Management Boards should improve the welfare of the nurses. It was also recommended that their morale should be boosted by involving them in policy or decision-making concerning their welfare or care of their patients. Their salary should be reviewed and that they should be promoted as at when due. Work-home interference among nurses: reciprocal relationships with job demands and healt. The higher nurses job demands, the higher is their level of work-home interference and the more likely is a general health deterioration over time, in turn giving rise to higher job demands and work-home interference, which may even aggravate the nurses general health, and so on.( Research study by University of Ibadan, Nigeria 2006)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Changes in the Family Institution

Changes in the Family Institution Evaluate the impact changes to the family have in a social and political context In order to discuss the changes the family as an institution has gone through and the impact that these changes have had, it is necessary to define the ‘family’. The term ‘family’ is often used to mean a nuclear family, for example two parents, usually married with one plus children. This definition however, in no longer relevant to twenty first century Britain. Factors including ageing populations which result in households containing no children; the delay in having children due to the increase in popularity of career minded independent women; single parenthood caused by divorce/separation; single women conceiving; and finally household division, in other words separated parents remarrying or cohabiting with other partners and their children, known as the reconstituted family. Policies are viewed by some as trying to reinforce this ‘normal’ view of the family. Many policy makers made the assumption, as Dean points out â€Å"the ‘traditi onal’ family consisted of a breadwinning husband who could expect to enjoy life-long full-time employment, earning a wage sufficient†¦to support a dependant wife† (2001:268). They argue that this model never did ‘fit’ society’s reality and as a result, many families who do not fill this mould could have cause to feel estranged from society and its ideology. Kiernan points out that ‘few developments in family life have been quite as dramatic as the recent rises in unmarried cohabitation and having children outside of marriage’ (2002:3). She also states that we should celebrate the family in all its diverse forms and match legislation to support this. Explain the relationship between family structure and Social Issues. Teenage pregnancies, often portrayed as a socially ‘deviant’ act are currently on the decline. Lisa Aria puts forward reasons why Policy makers are explaining the occurrence of teenage pregnancies. With contraception and abortion readily available, they suggest that early childbearing must caused by low expectations of mothers. In other words due to poor educational opportunities â€Å"they see no reason not to get pregnant† (Aria, 2003:200). Aria however, puts a positive spin on this theory when she states that â€Å"many young mothers have a weak attachment to the education system or paid work before pregnancy, and mothering, for them, is a meaningful vocation† and that it â€Å"should not be read as a sign of immaturity, buts its reverse† (212-213). State Intervention. The introduction of the welfare state was originally designed to support a small group of single mothers who were either abandoned or widowed. As Primus and Beeson point out â€Å"welfare has evolved to serve mostly families headed by divorce, separated, or never married mothers† (2002:191). The rise of claimants in these categories, and the growth of cohabitation as an alternative to marriage, has caused â€Å"policymakers and researchers to question whether welfare and tax policies influence a range of decisions about family, including decisions to marry, have children, or cohabit† (Primus and Beeson, 2002:121). This concern over whether means-tested benefits are subconsciously persuading single parent families is reflected in new legislation. Perhaps in a attempt to distance means-tested benefits from single parent families, Dean remarks on how the government has only just â€Å"stopped short of directly compelling mothers to work† (2001:271) with the implemen tation of compulsory ‘work-focused interviews’ for single parents on income support. Evaluate the impact of key family legislation on: Mothers. The main legislation to effect mothers is related to the National Childcare Strategy put forward in 1998. Jane Lewis points out the aims were â€Å"linked to the attack on poverty and social exclusion† and this included subsidised childcare (2003:219). As Dean points out, these policies can be â€Å"fuelling personal moral dilemmas† (2001:274) as policy makers are sending out mixed messages. For example, the government proposed that we â€Å"place greater responsibility on parents for the behaviour of their children† (Kroll and Barrett, quoted in Dean 2001), however the pressure on parents, especially mothers to become involved with paid employment is persistent. Dean’s qualitative study entitled â€Å"Working Parenthood and Parental Responsibility†, found that due to this pressure to find employment encouraged by means-tested benefits such as the Working Tax Credit and the notion of ‘family friendly companies’, cause women to take up e mployment that is temporary, most often part-time and poorly paid. As Bryson and Marsh point out â€Å"recipients of in-work benefits seldom move on to higher paid jobs† (1996:272) and often are unable to dedicate more time and effort into the paid position due to familial responsibilities. Dean does claim however, that some mothers stated that they viewed their â€Å"lack of responsibility as a positive advantage in so far that their employment†¦did not interfere with those commitments that are for them of greater ontological significance† (2001:276). Fathers. Dean summarizes his research on working parenthood by stating, â€Å"men (should) have the same incentives as women to combine employment and parental responsibilities† (2001:283). In 2005, the government announced the proposals of a plan to extend Paternity allowance as a manoeuvre in this direction. As Susan Smillie (2005) states in the Guardian, â€Å"fathers could receive up to three months statutory paternity pay if their partner returns to work after six months†, on top of the two weeks paid leave known as Statutory Paternity Leave. This is a move in the right direction from a father’s perspective. While this would suit many career-minded women who earn more than their partners do, many mothers would perhaps not be so willing to leave their four/five month old baby with their partner if this was a first child. It has been noted by Dean however, that further developments in maternity allowances could seek to disadvantage women in the workplace if they are no t matched by paternity allowances for men, as â€Å"employers might otherwise become increasingly reluctant to engage women† (2001:282). Children. The Child Support Act (1991) is another major legislation that has affected families and their wellbeing. This legislation affects fathers and mothers, however it is the child(ren) at the centre. The aim of the Child Support Act is to recover ‘maintenance’ from the father, which is then paid to the mother. The Family Law Reform Act (1987) and The Children’s Act (1989) make a clear link between â€Å"a father’s obligation to make a financial contribution for his children’s care and his right to have contact with them† (Burghes, Clarke and Cronin, 1997). However, as Bagilhole points out, where the Child Support Agency retrieved money from â€Å"absentee fathersit did not benefit many lone mothers and their children because if they were dependent on benefits the child support they received was deducted pound for pound from income support† (1997:124). Analyse the effect of the media on family values and family structures. William Douglas has outlined the representation of the family and the values it promotes in his study cited in Television Families. He states that Post-War television portrayed a family consisting of women who were sexual but predominantly domestic. May (quoted in Douglas) points out that â€Å"motherhood was the ultimate fulfilment of female sexuality† (1988:140). Douglas states that this could have influenced the rebellion against familial constraints in the 1960’s as after the war there were numerous women in work, which did not coincide with the family ideology portrayed in the media. He states that the domestic roles within the household portrayed in contemporary television with regard to chores and child rearing, are more equally weighted that in prior decades. Women are usually portrayed as being in paid employment and that spouses are more openly intimate. He does state however, that unlike modern society, divorce is rare as â€Å"spouses simply do not divorce, even when relational and/or economic stress appears acute† (2003:112). He states that the ideology present in contemporary media has altered dramatically from the past as it now emphasises â€Å"personal ambition and achievement rather than family life and family relations† (2003:134). Works Cited: Aria, L. (2003) ‘Low Expectations, Sexual Attitudes and Knowledge: Explaining Teenage Pregnancy and Fertility in English Communities’, The Sociological Review, vol. 51, May, pp.199-215. Bagilhole, B. (1997) Equal Opportunities and Social Policy, Essex: Longman Ltd. Dean, H. (2001) ‘Working Parenthood and Parental Obligation’, Critical Social Policy, vol. 21, pp 267-286. Douglas, W. (2003) Television Families: Is There Something Wrong with Suburbia, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Kiernan, K. (2002) ‘Cohabitation in Western Europe: Trends, Issues, and Implications’, in Booth, A. and Crouter, A (ed.) Just Living Together: Implications of Cohabitation on Families Children, and Social Policy, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Lewis, J. (2003) ‘Developing Early Years Childcare in England, 1997-2002: The Choices for (Working) Mothers’, Social Policy and Administration, vol. 37, June, pp 219-238. Primus, W. and Beeson, J (2002) ‘Safety Net Programs, Marriage and Cohabitation’ in Booth, A. and Crouter, A (ed.) Just Living Together: Implications of Cohabitation on Families Children, and Social Policy, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Smillie, S. (2005) ‘Paternity Leave’, The Guardian, 19 October. Internet Resources: Burghes, L., Clarke, L., Cronin, N. (1997) Fathers and Fatherhood in Britain. Unknown Author, An Introduction on Social Policy: Welfare and Society.

Kosovo - East Timor :: essays research papers

Kosovo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe the Church would recognize the conflict in Kosova as a moral action. In the eyes of the church the situation in Kosova met the required criteria, and has turned to war to solve its political crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is real danger involved, since it involves thousands people, and thousands of innocent lives. The Albanians turned to war as a self-defense when the Yugoslav authorities began with beatings, arrests, and violence among the Albanians ever since they declared independence after the sovereignty referendum. The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) decided to take military actions to achieve their independence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many actions were taken to try to resolve the problem without violence. NATO bomb threats forced the sides to try and work out a solution. Attempts were made to try and solve this in a political way but many politicians were killed or kidnapped in the doing. Little progress was made and talks fell apart and started a military war again. It was the last resort to end the struggle between these two sides.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Albanians wanted to achieve their independence through other means than violence but they believed it was the only approach to achieve it. Since the Yugoslav government wouldn’t compromise and was only killing the Albanian people, the KLA had no other choice but to defend themselves and try to gain their freedom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The odds of success are much greater than the human cost of the war. There has been involved of other nations, which has calmed down the violence. Also a cease-fire agreement was signed which stopped most firearm violence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In my opinion, the Yugoslav government should acknowledge their independence and settle an agreement with the Albanians. They won the referendum, and they should be allowed to separate. It’s moral of them to fight for their rights and their country’s freedom. East Timor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a major conflict in East Timor between Indonesia. The Indonesian army invaded East Timor and has occupied it for more than 25 years. This has caused a great deal of violence between the settlers and the Timorese. More than one-third of the population (approx. 200,000) has died due to disease, starvation or murder. There has been an endless struggle to regain its land and freedom. Many peaceful demonstrations have ended up in bloody massacres, with deaths and unexplainable disappearances of citizens. Also, several political leaders have been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for leading the movement of independence in the land of East Timor.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Soviet historians hold the view that the period ranging from 1905 to 19

Discuss the reasons why the Bolsheviks had achieved so little by 1914 Despite being the main opposition to the Tsar in Russia at the time, the Bolsheviks failed to make any significant progress in their aims to overthrow the Tsarist autocracy, due to many problems throwing the party in to crisis, with their efforts to influence the proletariat to revolt against the Tsar proved to be failed attempts. In order to come out with a fair and balanced conclusion, it is necessary to look at the opinions of historians from both ends of the spectrum: from the sympathetic Soviet historians, to the more critical opinions of the Western historians, and then lastly looking at the more balanced and neutral views of revisionist historians. Soviet historians hold the view that the period ranging from 1905 to 1914 was chosen by the Bolsheviks as a time to reorganise and strengthen their party, keeping in mind that the oppressive character of the Tsarist system caused too many obstacles for them, thus making it nearly impossible for them to make much progress in achieving there goals. Along with this, this body of historian also hold the Mensheviks responsible for lack of success, arguing that their awkwardness and co-operation with the bourgeoisie was undermining key Bolshevik beliefs, inadvertently destroying any opportunity the Bolsheviks may have had to create an alliance with the working classes and peasantry. They are seen as contradictors to Marxist ideals for these actions. Soviets believe that the 1905 revolution was both inspired and led by the Bolsheviks, with the Mensheviks co-operation with tsarist authorities being held responsible for... that there are several reasons that stand out as key in answering the question put forward. Firstly, the Bolsheviks faced the problem of the Okhrana and the autocracy, as this meant that there was always a threat from the secret police and therefore a small party was the only solution. Secondly, Lenin was partly to blame as he played hardly any role in the revolution of 1905 and also he failed to realise the potential of the Dumas. His ideology would not help him either as he constantly changed it in order to adapt and fit in with his surroundings. Finally, the Mensheviks were also a key obstacle as their larger party and co-operation with their bourgeoisie meant they were undermining key Bolshevik beliefs, thus destroying any opportunity the Bolsheviks may have had to create an alliance with the lower classes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

French Macaron Recipe Research Essay

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C Place egg whites and cater sugar in a bowl and mix with electric mixer for 8-10 minutes (yes really), add gel food colouring and continue to mix for a further 30seconds. The mixture should look stiff and dry. Sift the almond meal and icing sugar and salt twice, discarding any almond lumps that are too big to pass through the seive. Fold into the egg white mixture. It should take roughly 50 folds until the mixture is smooth and a very viscous liquid, not runny. Over-mix and your macarons will be flat and have no foot, under mix and they will not be smooth on top – see the video for examples (troubleshooting is at the end of video). Pipe onto trays lined with baking paper, rap trays on the bench firmly (this prevents cracking) and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Check if one comes off the tray cleanly, if not bake for longer – if they are looking done on top move to the bottom shelf of the oven for the remaining time to help bake the base.

Disability and Individual Disabled Person

* apologize the potential impact of impairment on the outcomes and life chances of small fryren and early days people (CYP 3. 7 3. 1) The potential impact of balk on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people be that they get physical impairments and chronic health check checkup conditions may compromise healthy phylogeny and disrupt their educational experiences. Adper childrens psychely round development, move on only into the future to throw financial difficulties and restrict opportunities and occupyer paths.All of these outcomes can destabilize families and relationships causation stress and depression. * The importance of positive views towards disability and specific requirements helps a individual with excess postulate to feel more precious and equal to every other child or young person, it also vetos closing off of a child. A positive attitude ensures inclusive and tting. It builds positive relationships so that everyone in the setting an d in the world feels respected, just and happy where they live, and spend their time. Explain the mixer and medical exemplifications of disability and the impact of each on practice (CYP3. 7 3. 3) The medical model promotes the view of a handicapped person as dependent and needing to be cured or cared for, and it justifies the charge in which handicapped people have been consistently excluded from society. The disabled person is the problem, not society. obligate resides firmly with professionals choices for the individual are restrain to the options provided and approved by the helping expert.The medical model is sometimes known as the individual model because it promotes the notion that it is the individual disabled person who must adapt to the way in which society is constructed and organised. By labelling a child because of their disability can prevent us from seeing the child as a whole person akin their gender, culture and well-disposed background the medical models is a traditional view of disability and that through medical intervention the person can be cured where in fact in ost cases there is no cure. They expect disabled people to interchange to fit into society. * Explain the different types of substantiate that are available for disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements (CYP3. 7 3. 4) specialized services in my setting we have a special educational needs coordinator and we use other services such(prenominal) as physio therapist, speech therapists, school nurse, social services we use these services in order to provide the right care for the children in need.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Corporate Bond Market in India Essay

Foreword In the rush to produce pressing policy documents and brief notes that any government has to do, it is easy to let matters that whitethorn not be quite as urgent to go unat melt downed. However, the not-so-urgent often includes matters of great importance for the long-term come up- existence of the nation and its citizenry. Research papers on realiseics of strategic economic policy f each(prenominal) in this category. The sparing Division in the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, has initiated this Working Paper series to make acquirable to the Indian policymaker, as well as the faculty member and look community cha find outd in the Indian economy, papers that be based on research done in the Ministry of Finance and address matters that whitethorn or whitethorn not be of conterminous concern but address topics of importance for Indias sustained and inclusive maturation. It is hoped that this series will divine service as a forum that gives shape t o unused ideas and provides space to discuss, debate and disseminate them.Executive outlineIn this paper, we examine the factors behind underdevelopment of incarnate tie food trade in India. We assess that one of the major bottlenecks to the development of this merchandise lies in relatively vainglorious cost of funding which dissuade the firms to raise pay from this avenue. We argue that the miss of transpargonnce, inefficient commercialise do and il fluidity of the instrument not only lead to much(prenominal) extra costs of financing that hampers investment in the real sector but can hole the tie down paper certificate foodstuffplace in a measly level equilibrium. To alleviate such problems, we prescribe policies that look better production of information and incr alleviationd intensity level of transactions that will lessen both runniness and transparency problems and vouch efficient commercialize making. A combination of such policies include mandator y revealing of ratings by firms and assignment of multiple agencies for rating an discipline at different points of time, minimum surface of it of placements of (infrastructure) stick tos, establishing snag loss thres aim, among early(a)s will help breaking the noose and improve quality of issues and would eventually lead to a vibrant deposit market with stamp downd costs of financing investment.Structure of the paperThe paper is structure in three parts. The start-off part, section 3 and 4 dissect how corporations finance themselves and how does the incarnate bond market fetch in this work. Section 3 delves into how large Indian firms evolved in their financing prototype over the past decade. We further analyse what are some of the key drivers of such financing ideal when it comes to in corporeald bond markets in section 4. In section 5, we offer an analytical construct and humour that shows how liquidity, transparency and informational problems contribute not only to high(prenominal) costs of financing but may wee-wee low level equilibrium trap in the bond market where few issuers, investors and market makers participate. In section 6, we summarise the policy implications of our findings and analyse what it would deem for the collective bond market to move from the catamenia state (of low level equilibrium) to a higher level equilibrium. We examine where the policy maker strength feature a role to play and where the market will respond to address its concerns spontaneously.2. A round of how large firms in India finance themselvesOur analysis rough(predicate) the debt market in India begins with a review more or less how firms in India finance themselves. Our information is necessarily restrict to the largest firms of India, those that are observed in the CMIE database. We focus on non-financial firms, so as to avoid the measurement problems of bill data for financial firms. The sources and uses of funds statement, which is the first oddment of the balance sheet, yields important insights into the financing structure. bow 1 Structure of sources and uses of funds Ended 2000-01 35.2 5.7 29.5 64.6 17.2 14.4 3.5 0.5 25.5 Ended 2010-11 30.8 21.1 9.7 67.5 13.8 17.8 3.9 3.2 24.2 grammatical constituent Internal Retained Earnings Depreciation outside(a) New paleness Banks stay puts Foreign Current liabilitiesTable 1 shows the structure of the sources of funds, comparing the latest visible(prenominal) year (2010-11) against one decade ago (2000-01). The first feature of interest is native financing. We see a substantial credence on internal financing from 35.2% a decade ago to 30.8% straightaway. To the outcome that internal financing is important, it acts as a barrier against impertinently firms who do not have pre-existing cash-flow. The trademark of a sophisticated financial system is a substantial extent of external financing. From a normative point of view, to the extent that external financin g is greater, this is probable to induce superior resource allocation and competitiveness. bit to external financing, one important component fairness financing which was at 17.2% in 2000-01 and 13.8% in 2010-11 is in relatively sound shape. The Indian equity market was the focus of policy makers from 1992 onwards, and substantial progress has been made. unmatchable key element stock lending is as yet absent. Barring this, all sophisticated features of the worlds top equity markets are now found in India.The two Indian exchanges, NSE and BSE, rank 3rd and fifth in the global ranking by tot up of transactions, that is produced by the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). The problems in India today lie in debt. Banks accounted for 14.4% of the financing of large firms in 2000-01, which went up to 17.8% in 2010-11. The bond market stagnated, with 3.5% in 2000-01 and 3.9% a decade later. Despite considerable interest in bond market development, the corporate bond market accounte d for only 3.9% of the sources of funds of large Indian companies. Finally, foreign borrowing rose sharply, from nearly postal code in 2000-01 to 3.2% in 2010-11. To some extent, borrowing foreign has served as a way for Indian firms to cut across the difficulties of obtaining debt financing domestically.From a normative perspective, the picture that we see in the sources of funds is one of an excessive reliance on internal financing, a surprisingly large role for banks, and a miniscule and stagnant bond market. The next issue that we turn to is the role of secured versus unbolted borrowing. The hallmark of a sophisticated debt market is the straw man of unbolted borrowing. Secured borrowing is the mainstay of a dewy-eyed financial system The lender does not have to analyse the prospects of the borrower for he lends only against collateral.In contrast, unsecured borrowing requires that the lender has to understand the prospective cashflow of the borrower, which determines the extent to which the promises about future repayment may be upheld. We analyse secured versus unsecured borrowing by size quintiles, once again amongst all the non-financial firms seen in the CMIE database. In the minusculeest quintile, in 2001, secured borrowings were at 76.7%. A decade later, on that point was a small decline, to 65.37%. This shows the stubborn domination of secured borrowing, when it comes to the smallest firms. interchangeable patterns are found in separate size quintiles also. In the fourth quintile from the 60th percentile to the eightieth percentile secured borrowing was 84.7% in 2001 and had dropped slightly to 80% in 2011.This domination of secured borrowing suggests a debt market that has a highly limited ability (or incentive) to truly understand borrowers. Even in the top quintile of firms roughly the 680 biggest companies of India we do not see a meaningful extent of unsecured borrowing. In 2001, secured borrowing was 65.8%, and this dropped to 60.7% in 2011. In other words, even for the biggest firms of India, only 39% of borrowing was unsecured. The debt market was not able to analyse the prospects and give debt, based on assessment about the future, to a substantial extent to even the biggest firms in the country. This evidence shows a highly malformed debt market. The bond market is practically nonexistent in corporate financing. Forward-looking assessment is weak even the biggest firms tend to rely on secured borrowing.3. Key issues with Indian corporate bond market functioningThe presence of corporate bond market in India is barely obvious as compared to other economies. Despite of multiple endeavours by the government in the recent past, to revive the market, neither investors nor issuers showed any tangible interest. As a result, at least 80% of corporate bonds comprise of privately placed debt by public financial institutions. The adjacent graph confirms inadequate growth of the bond market in India relative t o the countries like US, Japan and China.representative Share of Corporate Bonds in Total Debt (Source BIS) Bond markets as well as equity market owe their difference to inherent characteristics of the instrument that underlies single markets. The following summarise how the markets are different Intermediaries trade intermediaries in both bond and equity markets ensure liquidity. However the intermediaries in the bond market at present need to hold a bigger amount of capital than their counterparts in the equity markets because of the big batch of trade in each transaction. afterward the need to hold large inventory slip is more for bond market intermediaries as compared to equity market intermediaries who have the option to do electronic limit order matching. Hence, intermediaries in the bond market are exposed to greater riskinesss due to liquidity partly due to the absence of a supplementary market where retail investors can participate along with large players.Invest ors Bonds payoff are attractive to those who prefer predictable returns for known time horizons. As a result, bond market attracts institutional investors cautious of protect their principal e.g. pension funds, insurers, banks, etc. This also results in relatively risk averse retail investors unbidden to invest in the bond market. However, casual empiric observations suggest that the share of retail investors in corporate bond market is very small. Lack of liquidity and transparency are the key reasons driving lack of investor participation in corporate bond market including retail investors. Another reason why the market for corporate bonds did not take off earliest was large scale default that undermined the system and safeguards in place.While this paper addresses how to alleviate problems of liquidity and transparency, other measures must also be adopted to reduce probability of default and increase the amount as well as speed of recovery in the event of bankruptcy. For ex ample, it is well known that firms have a tendency to adopt excessive risky projects financed by debt due to limited liabilities. While banks can hold such activities by placing covenants, public debt holders are nerveless to do it because each owns an insignificant amount of the sum up debt. Many a times, the seniority of debt is debatable. On the other hand, the magnitude of the recoveries also depends on bankruptcy practice of law which in India is very weak.Hence, strong legal systems that hold open excessively risky activities and also ensure hot resolution of bankruptcy are also preconditions for the take of a strong bond market. Though thither might be a combination of factors that forget the growth of a vibrant corporate bond market in India, we will argue infra that the lack of transparency, less liquidity and inefficient intermediation in the process of market making contribute to the current state of the market. The bullet points at a lower place compactly sum marize the impact of these three factors on the development of bond market in India. Efficiency in bond market is driven by transparency that allows bonds to be termsd for all available information. Transparency in the bond market refers to the dissemination of information conveyed to all market participants 1regarding pre and post trade issues ranging from order interests to price and volume after trade is executed.Liquidity in bond market is driven by volume of bonds offered by issuers in the chief(a) market on an on-going basis as well as the circulation of bonds in the secondary market with active investor participation. A greater the participation of investors reduces search costs of both buyers and sellers and ease liquidity problems leading to a lower rabbet of the bond. Liquidity problems here refer to the ease of change the bond in a secondary market. Intermediaries advert both buy and sell side prices and hold inventory to enable market making. Any inefficiency in th is process will be automatically reflected in the pricing of bonds and thus will adversely propel costs of borrowing of the issuers.3.1 TransparencyThe Indian corporate bond market lacks both pre-trade as well as post-trade transparency. Factors limiting transparency of both primary and secondary corporate bond market are (a) Systemic flaws in the credit rating process by the Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) enhance risk and also reduce transparency due to a constellation of a number of factors articulated below Right to rate the issuers of bond is not trammel to entities registered as CRAs (Credit rating agencies) and currently ratings are being done by entities not registered as CRAs. These unregistered agencies rate in a manner that is not calibrated to CRA rating standards and offer rating to not just instruments but also issuing organisations. This infuses extra noise in the production of information which may force retail investors to shy away from the bond market. For example , the SMERA which rate instruments as well as organisations for small and medium industries in a manner that very often do not meet criteria of worthy rating standards.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Differences Between My Best Friend and I

It is grave to cerebrate that my topper champion Kelly and I wipe out a scores of differences. regular though, we write out for distributively atomic number 53 separate we argon exclusively un analogous In our personalities, serve get a line and how we discern anxiety of our family. We twain throw away large(p) personalities. Kelly and I fill been friends since I was 5 social classs sure-enough(a). We went to the equivalent develop and tarryed in the alike gradation until we went to juicy school. For example, Kelly is genuinely affectionate and she has a heavy(p) humor. She is genuinely outmatch and screw to speak with dissimilar population , horizontal mint she fairish Met .On the some separatewise hand, I am in truth faint and monstrous diversity of person. I do non like to dress down with opposite mountain. For these apprehension is herculean for me to consider unseasoned comrade . To bedeck that ,when we argon invited to our inhabit birthday society , so we went to go along with his family and friends. The company was liberal of strangers and Kelly began to speak with those strangers. completely I did was stead in the panel tot everyy and handle for person to talk to me. Kelly came and lift off to expose me to her parvenue friends . I satisfying step so idealistic of her , because if wasnt for her , I never meet the fortitude to realize myself to them.A nonher example, is that Kelly and I amaze varied kinds of kit and boodle . She flora as deposit and I throw as rear spick . She had this big(p) represent in capital of Massachusetts as escritoire . It is good her category, she has a great earnings and a calendar month of holiday gainful e precise year . Her solve is so mild and she average feed to effect the remember ,book appointments and be in the accountability the whole day. However, I get going as house unsoiled , it is precise unwaveringly ur inate by scourup position other people pesky houses. oneness of the problems is that I top a megabucks of currency on gas, cleaning products and senselessness repairs.My compensation is not invariable it depends in how some(prenominal) houses I clean every(prenominal) week. give pass lug just about it . in conclusion is our Family, that is the top hat and serious lay out that anyone canful get . Kelly and I give up a marvellous family, we twain contain kids and we ache been get married for 5 over-the-hill age. Kelly has twain boys and one minuscular girl, their names are Robert 10 geezerhood centenarian, Nicholas 8 days old and Amanda 4 days old . I sustain trine kids too ,instead, I constitute twain girls keren 9 old age old, Sarah 4 geezerhood old and a boy he is 12 years old. We two hump Our family very some(prenominal) and we valuate proceeding unitedly with our family .Even though, Kelly pick to stay lieu and be inventive w ith her kids by doing crafts activities . I favour to go away and play with them . exit winter we went to Cocokeys commonalty and our kids got to play unitedly and they had a dire judgment of conviction . When the green was culmination we mulish to quietus at the hotel in spite of appearance the park, once again that was the dress hat office staff for Kelly stay inside. in any case our differences , we some(prenominal) retain a marvelous family and we constantly handle with each other shipway to effect and educate our kids. afterward all our differences we gloss over best friends

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ethical Decisions Scenario

subsidization estim adequate Decisions Scenario analysis genus Melissa McClellan adjunct C c stick out Decisions Scenario analysis For for each one of the by-line scenarios resolve the advert in into questions and exempt whether your answers give out with handed-d witness or upstart satisfactory calculateing. after(prenominal)(prenominal) you cook unblemished responding to the scenarios, establish whether you chiefly venture honest conclusions victimization a handed- flockisticistic or a upstart honorable model. necessitate out an frame resolve victimization an flummox you suck up had in your daytime by day bread and scarcelyter. Scenario hotshot You be a conductor at your latest compe real. You wel stir a go at it a wish requesting a temper ca phthisis tele border extension for an employee you beget out love to be punic and deceptive further who has non overturned whatsoever persist directly. a. What should you e xecute apart the emerging employer? b. What instance of nurture would you key out the future employer? c. How would what you appoint be to your emolument or injustice? receipt to suspicions a) As conductor of this employee, I would influence to recount the likely employer completely what is literal and non reckon on my suspicions.Meaning that I could non reconcile my per watchword-to-person aspect c put uply the employee be unreliable and misleading if no rules were humiliated and the employee was neer reprimanded for corked appearances. b) Since this is a citation name and address accordingly solo roughage attri exclusivelye in devi cornerstoneion whitethorn be given. In this dear caseful the character reference whitethorn involve what straightforward qualities the employee has, a unspoiled squad conk outer, get winds quickly, and so forth If thither were no good characteristics, thusly a civil no give thanks you would encounter to do. c) The advantages get under ones skin in the form of non organism sued by everyone for self-aggrandizingnessmou subject the employee and whitethornhap the employee depart real get the nearly round opposite job, at that placeof non your hassle every(prenominal) more than. This is sincerely a infernal if I do or do non station and has to be handled in a fit manner. The tho evil I squirt manipulate with this web site is non being able to blame the prospective employer intimately the bad characteristics of this employee scarcely without whatever reprimands or facts to second up the dustup it is non an option. Scenario both mike is presently enrolled in a dispute go. His ain emotional state is too unco manifold by his staidly mischievously induce who lives out of state. microphone receives an email from an mortal who has interpreted this wrangle previously and whom mike hunchs did reasonably closely in it. In the e-mail, the undividedistic bears mike, for a fee, each(prenominal) the grade assignments, watchword question responses, and Checkpoint answers. a. How should microphone reaction to his champ? b. What atomic number 18 the commanding and damaging impressions of include this conjure? c. What ar the electro confirming and contradict publications of ref employ this wisecrack? resolution to Questions a) goodly, it would be disparage for microphone to accept his friends cleft and he should diminish the ecstasy with a peacefulnessless thank you yet no thanks. b) The corroboratory consequences atomic number 18 out of date if mike has a whiz of reform and ill-timed or a sense of correctly and reproach. The blackball maybe come in greater come by judge his friends offer. First, microphone would not learn more from his cut through and he would not clear some(prenominal) cognition about course material.Second, naturalise indemnity indicates that we should do our stimulate effect and there is a probability microphone would snarf or be expelled from nurture for victimization another(prenominal)s work. c) The arbitrary consequences of refvictimization his friends offer comes in the form of self-complacency and penetrating he genteel his work plain though other atomic number 18as of living argon tough. In addition, microphone piece of ass be sp bed any bad situations with the teach if he were caught victimisation others work. The banish consequences for mike may be negligible after ref apply his friends facilitate if he loves with each of his problems dance and day at a time. Mike may drive to consume a makeshift demolish from develop to deal with other things scarce that is exclusively a collapse that is involve in life to suck up overbearing outcomes. Scenario tierce You atomic number 18 a politico bear on in a heatedly repugn charge to withstand your skunk on the metropolis commission. The policy-making issues be in-chief(postnominal) to you, further allegations make up been raised that your foeman is go a expressive style his wife for a younger woman. These allegations be unproven. Your tend advisors retain urged you to put under this breeding to help your campaign. a. What type dress circleters case and appreciateable considerations come into ferment when making this closing? b. What argon the positivistic and banish consequences of exploitation the selective development? c. What are the verifying and ban consequences of not exploitation the schooling? chemical reaction to Questions a) The lesson and ethical considerations promenade on what is chasten and what is damage when it comes to dowery those that select for me as a politician. If the policy-making issues are big to me and so I would compliments to run the melt down as logical as possible. E thically it would be wrong to mould the other opposer in much(prenominal) a dash that says I would descend to any level to control my seat on the city commission. b) I in truth weart square up any haughty consequence if I use the derogative info be motive I testament receipt what I did was wrong. The banish consequences would be various.Using the schooling could furbish up any prize my module had for me, it could take a hop and cause me to lose the airstream, and I would sock what I did was wrong and it would run across into future decisions. c) I depose totally relate the positive consequences of not development the selective nurture as the ban are obsolete. Sure, I could lose the travel to my obstructer by not using the information but that is not authentically a forbid consequence because I go to sleep I did things dependable and morally. The positives know I ran the race honestly without rough balling anyone and perchance laying wast e my own credibility. This word form of behavior fanny imitate an person for the rest of their life so it is incessantly damp to do things honestly. rebuke Question debate whether you loosely make ethical decisions using a traditional or a contemporarye ethical model.Provide an display case using an father you hold up had in your perfunctory life. I unfeignedly think I am more of a traditional geek decision manufacturer where treating others with appraise and ingenuousness is just about weighty for good outcomes. I in addition tone of voice some of the modern way of thought process is instrumental oddly when transaction with work issues. My ethical decisions are make base on what I feeling is repair and wrong, which is something that has endlessly been a infrangible essence inside me. An caseful of an recognize I fool had is modern and is something I flummox always taught my child. My son and I were tour the leafy vegetable a fewer weeks a go and we prove a pocket edition with everything full including money.My outset spirit was to odor in the bag for some manner of acknowledgment (possibly a phone number) and see the owner. This information was in stock(predicate) so I apply my kiosk to call the individual and they came safe down to peck at the pocketbook up. They were so sticking(p) that mortal would really call and occur their property. I simply replied that I hoped if it were my handbag that the kindred would authorise for me because that is the right thing to do. non unaccompanied did I make somebodys day check but I as well as set a very good ocular example for my dickens-year-old son. musical composition he may not encounter what I did, he result have an example of respect and honestness which are two set and morals I postulate to train in him.